Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1st blog..Who I am

Well this is me...
I'm a Navy wife for 20 years now, although that wI'll soon be updated to *retired Navy wife* and Mom to 3 amazing kiddos.
 Being a military family we move quite often, and daddy of course has been away for a good portion of the kiddos lives. I've had to play the single mom role more often than I've ever wanted, but it comes with the territory. We make changes, adjustments to schedules, and just roll with the punches. Nothing in life is ever easy, and this past year we have had some pretty trying times, which brings me to why I decided to share this new journey with complete strangers. I realize I'm opening my life to criticism by others, but I've never been concerned with others opinions.
 Feel free to share my story's if they move you...feel free to ignore them if they annoy you. Either way this is my forum to vent, or just purely entertain myself with all that life decides to throw at me.